Maintenance Plane Process

Maintenance Plan Process

Maintenance Plane Process

LDP Wind Energy Services run by specialist technician in wind turbine maintenance for many years both abroad and all around Thailand. We focus on clients satisfication, more profition, flexible and safety.

LDP Maintenance Plane Process

    1. Meeting for discuss about wind turbine blade defect or wind turbine damage parts and identify the problem. Give an advice, consulting to client for wind turbine blade maintenance and repair plan.
    2. Show an example of work done and all certificates belong the project to our client consider. And to ensure quality and safety in our services.
    3. Operation starts the maintenance operation with strict maintenance routine, Following the same line of thought. But sometime the maintenance operation plan could change or flexible following environments or client needs but base on safety.
    4. Tract and follow up the operation check every step of the operation by specialize technician.
    5. Submit results to client on time with all operation details documents for client to recheck operations conditions.
    6. Storage the operation results orderly for later retrieval of maintenance history.



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LDP Wind Energy Services